The Great Backyard Bird Count runs Feb. 14-17, 2025! Check our events page for some local GBBC events!
Kentucky backyard birding & bird-friendly yards
3 easy ways to attract birds to your yard include:
Download our printable PDF on native plants and shrubs to bring with you to your local garden center!
Resources for finding and planting native plant species
Check out Audubon's info sheet for 5 simple steps for creating a native plant garden in your yard!
Learn more about backyard birding!
Image descriptions and photo credits: Slide 2: Image descriptions or credits, clockwise from far left: LAS Board members lead a bird walk; Great Backyard Bird Count collateral from Audubon and others; hummingbird poster from Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Project Feeder Watch | Slide 3: Sandhill Crane photo from All About Birds Slide 4: LAS Board member and naturalist Luke Pearson on an ornithological trip | Slide 5: Image credits: top, National Audubon Society materials; bottom, Ann M. Pacheco/Audubon Photography Awards, Baltimore Oriole and Redbud, Mansfield Center, Connecticut | Slide 7: Image credit: Jefferson County Soil & Water Conservation district